After i escaped the second trap from kate and her group, i started hiding
i wanted to join a cult so that i could actually fight back, but zacky my
asked me not to do so, later i reported the case to the school authority, they
investigated the matter and Kate was arrested with some of the ladies, this
how i became free and i continued with my studies.
I spent four years in school and i graduated, after my graduation, i furthered
education and i completed my masters, so finally i spent 6years in school.
I got an employment in one of the biggest company in my state and its now
time for
me to go and get married.
I lost my phone when i was in the university and i lost all my contacts
including Joy’s
own, i cannot locate joy and i dont know her village, i went to the place
where they were
living before in the city but nobody in that compound could actually give me
contact number.
I became worried but with the help of God, i finally got her address and i
went straight to
her village.
Joy is now 28 years old and am 30years old, we were in the same class in
secondary school,
she rejected more than 7 men that came to marry her, and at last am here
for her.
When i got to her place, i saw her, although she was already getting old in
my eyes but
because of the covenant we had, i still love her, she was a courageous
woman, she did not
give up, she waited for me and i cannot disappoint her.
so i met her parents and told them that i want to marry Joy, they were very
happy and we all
agreed with one mind.
The next day, me and joy struck into a serious discussion, i told her the
story of kate and
her group, i told her how they wanted to rape me and how they set me up
but God delivered me
from their hands. she was very happy with me.
She told me her own story of how her parents was disturbing her to go and
marry, she told them
that she is waiting for someone whom God have chosen for her to marry, she
told me how men
were disturbing her and how she managed to escape them all.
After the discussion, we planned on how to go for blood test the next day.
It was around 8am in the morning, Joy came to my house and we went to a
nearby clinic for blood a
test, we spent 4 hours and finally the result was out. when i checked the
result, behold My genotype
was [AS] and when Joy checked her own it was [AS] also, the doctor
advised us not to marry, they said
that we cannot marry because our genotype does not match, had it been am
AA, then i can marry AS.
This was the biggest problem i have encountered in my life, Joy burst out in
tears, she was crying like
a baby, i took her home, when we got home, i told her that there is nothing
we can do about this,
the only option is for us to break the covenant, she got angry with me and
she said that she cannot
break the covenant, after waiting for over six years, rejected all the men that
came to marry me and now
you are telling me to this story, you must marry me weather Good or bad.
[Joy said]
This was the first Danger.
Watch out for episode 9
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